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重建世界文学的通天塔 ——中国诗人曹谁受邀参加哥伦比亚第30届麦德林国际诗歌节

2020-09-17 作者: | 来源:中诗网 | 阅读:
中国驻哥伦比亚大使馆文化参赞 朱晓燕


图片说明:2019年12月8日,曹谁翻译的土耳其女诗人纽都然·杜门(Nurduran duman)的诗集《伊斯坦布尔的脚步》获得第二届博鳌国际诗歌奖,二人共同发表获奖感言。


       曹谁的诗歌已经被翻译为二十余种语言,获得了许多国际诗人的好评。智利诗人罗伯特·艾多(Roberto Aedo)评论道:“在西方通天塔一般象征文化的混乱和不可交流,但是对于东方,我们看到曹谁在《通天塔之歌》中对通天塔新的阐释:通天塔作为一个诗性空间,在其中我们能够返回到一种原初的语言,这本书展示了这样一种图景,回归到一种共同体,综合和超越了我们传统支离破碎视野的世界:东方和西方,正义和邪恶,传统和现代,等等。曹谁试图去面对所谓后现代或者超现代世界,它的当代的混乱和嘈杂,或者如他用诗的语言所说的‘一万件事’。他创作史诗的努力,是超越抒情诗的,当然在更大的舞台上,在亚欧大陆的中心——这是他创造的一个超越的世界,在他多种语言的不同声音的大合唱中在多种不同声调中表达同样的意义:他的诗性世界,这是隐喻《圣经》神话中的原初的语言,所以这是一首对于充满差异和斗争的世界人类共同体的颂歌。”
       意大利汉学家、作家雪莲(Fiori Picco)评价道:“在曹谁的诗中,他以独特的视觉性书写或超现实感性,创造了人类原初的荒诞情境。他的诗歌好像现代油画,展现给我们怪诞的生物和非线性场景。梦境和现实,古代和现代,喜剧和悲剧,戏剧性地融为一炉,把内心深处的潜意识呈现为纯粹的想象画面。曹谁的诗让我想起现代绘画大师萨尔瓦多·达利的许多名作。曹谁是一个打破陈规的开创性的诗人和作家,他的理念为中国当代文学注入一股全新的风格。”
       土耳其作家纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman)评价道:“词语是力量本身,它可以改变人的思想、感觉和行为。在词语间隐藏的寂静拥有我们宇宙中最神秘的力量。这就意味着诗歌拥有改变世界的力量,这也是我们创作世界和平的机缘。我们从曹谁诗集的名字《通天塔之歌》,看到他担当起了这样的使命。这本书以三种不同文字出版,这就是创造世界和平的最好证明。《大悲舞》那首诗拥有如此多的不同语言的翻译,清楚地展示了曹谁的诗学追求。”


 Rebuilding the Tower of Babel of the world literature
——Chinese Poet Cao Shui was invited to attend the 30th Medellin International Poetry Festival
Zhu Xiaoyan, cultural counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Colombia

       On August 1, the grand ceremony of the 30th Medellin International Poetry Festival opened. Chinese poets Jidi Majia, Meyer Gao and Cao Shui were invited to attend the grand gathering. On September 10, poet Cao Shui read five poems including "Great Dance of Sorrow" from the poetry collection "The Lyric of the Tower of Babel " through video, which was spread in 103 countries around the world.
       Due to the impact of the Novel Coronavirus epidemic, Cao Shui, like all poets, participated in the activities of the poetry festival through the network. Cao Shui selected five poems from the Chinese, English and Spanish poetry collection "The Lyric of the Tower of Babel " , including  "Great Dance of Sorrow" , "Grave Liquor", "Mermaid", "Ode of Homeland" and "Crown Hidden Deep Within". The poems were recorded in English and broadcast to readers in 103 countries around the world on September 10. At the same time, Ma Wenxiu, a young poet and director, made Cao Shui's poem "Great Dance of Sorrow" into a "Poetic Film" , which combined poetry with film and reading, and spread poetry in a new way.

        "The Lyric of the Tower of Babel " is one of Cao Shui's representative works. In his poems, Cao Shui hoped to rebuild a new order of world literature communication. He borrowed the famous allusion "the Tower of Babel" in the Bible to express it. Human beings used to speak the same language, and they were going to build the Tower of Babel. When God knew it, he changed their language, so people spoke different languages and couldn't talk freely. Cao Shui hopes to reconstruct the Tower of Babel of literature through poetry, so that human beings can communicate freely through poetry.
        Cao Shui has always advocated "Great-poeticism", the Great-poeticism advocates the integration of ancient and modern cultures, the integration of the eastern and the western cultures, and the integration of sacred and secular culture, which is in line with the development trend of world literature. His representative work "Great Dance of Sorrow" embodies his aesthetic pursuit. He expresses the spirit of compassion that human beings are looking for through making up dancers between Oriental and Westerners, hoping to establish a common ideal home for mankind. This spirit is particularly urgent in the world situation after the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus epidemic.
Great Dance of Sorrow
You stand center stage
They all push you towards sorrow
Backstage, some play the accompaniment
Behind you, some dance to the funeral music
Standing center stage crying, there's only you
This stage stands center of the Asian continent
You are on the Pamir plateue wailing
People come from all directions
Asians play funeral marches for you
And Europeans dance along
Wishing for death, you stand there
You are the most ordinary person
Yet no one will let you be
They sing for you, dance for you
To aid your sorrow process
Until you give up all hope
Until you depart this world
They'll grieve briefly and leave
To find the next eulogee
Translated by Higginbottom, Brendan Joseph(USA)

       Photo caption: on December 8, 2019, the Turkish poet Nurduran Duman's poetry anthology "Steps of Istanbul" translated by Cao Shui won the second Boao International Poetry award, and they jointly delivered the award-winning speech.
       Cao Shui is a representative figure of Chinese Contemporary Literature. His Great-poeticism has a large number of followers.  The "Argument Between Cao Shui and Yi Sha" initiated by him has caused a discussion on the road of Chinese modern poetry in the past 100 years, and his concept of Dramatic Novel has been widely spread. In addition to writing poetry, Cao Shui also wrote many novels and film and television scripts, including seven poetry anthologies such as "Great Dance of Sorrow" , "Epic of Eurasia" and "The Lyric of the Tower of Babel", three translated works such as "Steps of Istanbul" and "Song of Prometheus", ten novels such as "The Top of the Tower of Babel", "Secret of Heaven" (Trilogy) and "Prince Snow Leopard ", and more than 100 screenplays , including "King Peacock", "Prince Snow Leopard " and “Death of Poet”. His works have been translated into English, French, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Danish, polish, Vietnamese, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Hungarian and Turkish languages, etc. He has won the 1st Chinese Young Poet Award, the 5th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival top ten poets in 2019, the 4th Cao Yu Cup Screenplay Award, the 2nd Boao International Poetry award and other literary and Art Awards. He is a member of China Writers' Association, chief editor of Great Poetry magazine, deputy editor in chief of World Poetry magazine, and deputy editor in chief of World Poetry Network.

       Photo caption: on May 17, 2018, poets from many countries around the world participated in the opening ceremony of Cao Shui's poetry collection "The Lyric of the Tower of Babel" and commented on poems of Cao Shui.

       Cao Shui's poems have been translated into more than 20 languages, and have been praised by many international poets. Chilean poet Roberto Aedo said: In the West, the Tower of Babel has always symbolized the confusion and the in-       communication as a result of human ambition, of our hybris to believe that we can reach the Heavens as a result of our egoistic and narcissistic desires.But, from the East, now we have Cao Shui's re-interpretation of the symbol: Tower of Babel as a poetic space in which we can come back to the One primordial language, as an image of the return to the Unity that synthesizes and overcomes our traditional dichotomous vision of the world: East and West, Good and Evil, Tradition and Innovation/Modernity, etc.In his new book, of only five poems, Cao Shui tries to respond to the (post, ultra or whatever you want to call it) modern world, its contemporary chaos and confusion of "the ten thousand things", by the poetic word: his "epic" effort it is more a lyrical one, but in the bigger stage, in the "central stage" of Eurasia -another of his representations of the World-, in a chorus of different voices -13 for the central.poem of the volume-, as different modulations of the same: his poetic word, as a metaphor or (re)presentation of the mythological original language, a song of World Human Unity in a world of human differences and struggles.
         Italian sinologist Fiori Picco said: In his poems Cao Shui creates original and absurd situations with a particular visual-writing or surrealistic sensibility. His poems are like modern paintings that show us strange creatures and illogical scenes. Dream and reality, ancient and contemporary, comic and tragic magically melt together to express the unconscious and give shape to pure imagination. They remind me some masterpieces by Salvador Dali. Cao Shui is an unconventional poet and writer and his ideas bring a new fresh wind to the Chinese contemporary literature.
Turkish poet Nurduran Duman said:
                                         the word is the power itself, it can change the human mind, feelings and behaviours.And the silence between the words in the lines have the secret power of Universe. This means poetry has the power to change the world, it’s a chance for us to make World Peace. Shawn Cao takes this responsibility with his book if you look at the book’s name. And this book published in three different languages, and including the translations in many other languages, is a proof for trying to make world peace. And the poem Great Sorrow (translated in 13 different languages in the book) show the poet’s  poetic idea clearly to us.

         Medellin International Poetry Festival in Colombia, together with Rotterdam poetry festival in Holland and Struga International Poetry Festival in Macedonian, are recognized as the three major poetry festivals in the world, which has a wide influence in the world literature circle. As the Festival ends on October 1, more than half a million viewers around the world will participate in the interaction through Facebook, twitter, YouTube and other media. 200 poets from 103 countries will hold 120 interviews, dialogues, concerts, lectures and forums.